Monday, June 29, 2009

No, we didn't eat the horse...

June has been a busy month: It began with an Architects shin-dig in Indiana, then the farm share started, next I flew to New Jersey to orchestrate a girl's weekend for big sister Melanie's upcoming nuptials, flew back to Chicago, started a ballet class, then this past weekend we drove the chicken (i.e. our darling toddler) to the Lawyers party in Michigan.

In between, we had dinners with friends, babysat a gorgeous child, celebrated Father's Day (we miss you, Ross), visited the pediatrician, dentist, & optometrist (not all on the same day), spent 340 hours at the playground, got the Honda's wheel thingy replaced....AND BECAME VEGETARIANS.

Did I mention that the car flooded? We shared a terrible cold? I spent 12 hours stuck at O'Hare airport with loads of people, including a girl who trimmed her toenails into my yogurt cup (same storm that flooded the car cancelled my flight and grounded plane #2 in Omaha), and have a receding gum line? But who cares...DID YOU HEAR THAT WE'RE VEGETARIANS?

The positives far out-weighed the minor annoyances: There was a gorgeous beach on Beverly Shores (M. squatting on it above), loads of laughter at every turn, a mind-blowing deep tissue massage at bliss spa Hoboken, Monty the 17 lb. cat (down from 27 lbs...good job Mel & Laike), Bambi the pony, Fred the horse, M.'s first swimming lesson, the warm leather smell of new ballet shoes, and VEGETABLES. Did I mention the radishes, garlic scapes, and delicious peas? Well, I should...BECAUSE WE'RE SUMMERTIME VEGETARIANS.

Now, I need to get to bed. Tomorrow is day number 2 without a car (that pesky flood ruined the carpet, which will take 4 days to replace). Let's rock & roll the stroller 2 miles to the nannyshare, M. It's good for us to exercise off all the ... um, peas.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The veggies are here! Doesn't Matilda look like she's ready to dig in?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I ate half a polish sausage on Sunday, a sort of "good-bye delicious meat" gesture and because I love me some polish sausage. Jacob also had one, but Matilda turned her nose up at it. She's a better person than I am. And so freakin' cute. Her newest word is Happy and she says it constantly.

The first newsletter from Fat Blossom Farm arrived in my in-box yesterday. It details what to expect in the first delivery this Saturday; a ton of greens, garlic scapes, peppermint and radishes. I'm anxious about how to ingest all those greens without becoming unbelievably gassy. Guess that's part of this journey...