In between, we had dinners with friends, babysat a gorgeous child, celebrated Father's Day (we miss you, Ross), visited the pediatrician, dentist, & optometrist (not all on the same day), spent 340 hours at the playground, got the Honda's wheel thingy replaced....AND BECAME VEGETARIANS.
Did I mention that the car flooded? We shared a terrible cold? I spent 12 hours stuck at O'Hare airport with loads of people, including a girl who trimmed her toenails into my yogurt cup (same storm that flooded the car cancelled my flight and grounded plane #2 in Omaha), and have a receding gum line? But who cares...DID YOU HEAR THAT WE'RE VEGETARIANS?
The positives far out-weighed the minor annoyances: There was a gorgeous beach on Beverly Shores (M. squatting on it above), loads of laughter at every turn, a mind-blowing deep tissue massage at bliss spa Hoboken, Monty the 17 lb. cat (down from 27 lbs...good job Mel & Laike), Bambi the pony, Fred the horse, M.'s first swimming lesson, the warm leather smell of new ballet shoes, and VEGETABLES. Did I mention the radishes, garlic scapes, and delicious peas? Well, I should...BECAUSE WE'RE SUMMERTIME VEGETARIANS.
Now, I need to get to bed. Tomorrow is day number 2 without a car (that pesky flood ruined the carpet, which will take 4 days to replace). Let's rock & roll the stroller 2 miles to the nannyshare, M. It's good for us to exercise off all the ... um, peas.